Build Your Own AI Assistant Part 1 - Creating the Assistant
Is the new Raspberry Pi AI Kit better than Google Coral?
Control Arduino with Python using Firmata / PyFirmata
How to Map with LiDAR - using a Raspberry Pi Zero 2W, RPLidar and Rviz
Node-Red Automation, MQTT, NodeMCU & MicroPython
Creating a Supercomputer with a Raspberry Pi 5 Cluster and Docker Swarm!
Installing and Using DeepSeek-R1:1.5 on a Raspberry Pi with Docker
Gamepad & BurgerBot
Level Up your CAD Skills
Operation Pico
Raspberry Pi Home Hub
Hacky Temperature and Humidity Sensor
Using the Raspberry Pi Pico's Built-in Temperature Sensor
0h 24m
Getting Started with SQL
0h 32m
Introduction to the Linux Command Line on Raspberry Pi OS
0h 42m
How to install MicroPython
0h 8m
Wall Drawing Robot Tutorial
0h 22m
BrachioGraph Tutorial
0h 16m
Learn Linux from the basics to advanced topics.
Learn how to use a Raspberry Pi Pico
Learn MicroPython the best language for MicroControllers
Learn Docker, the leading containerization platform. Docker is used to build, ship, and run applications in a consistent and reliable manner, making it a popular choice for DevOps and cloud-native development.
Learn how to build SMARS robots, starting with the 3D Printing the model, Designing SMARS and Programming SMARS
Learn how to build robots, starting with the basics, then move on to learning Python and MicroPython for microcontrollers, finally learn how to make things with Fusion 360.
Learn Python, the most popular programming language in the world. Python is used in many different areas, including Web Development, Data Science, Machine Learning, Robotics and more.
Learn how to create robots in 3D, using Fusion 360 and FreeCAD. The models can be printed out using a 3d printer and then assembled into a physical robot.
Learn how to create Databases in Python, with SQLite3 and Redis.
Content is grouped alphabetically.
1 Items
Everything I made in 2022
How many robots, projects, code, 3d designs did I make in 2022?
Atari 2600 Compute Module Case
3d Print a case for the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 Development Board
28 Items
I’ve always love the 90s Tamagotchi toys and wanted to build and program my own, using MicroPython and a Raspberry Pi Pico.
Pico Birthday Card
How to Make an Ultimate DIY Birthday Card with Raspberry Pi Pico
Iskarni Hack
Lets hack the Ikea Iskarna Head lamp to make it programmable with MicroPython using the Pimoroni Plasma 2040 W, a sound sensor, an Adafruit NeoPixel ring and some 3d printed parts.
We delve into the amazing world of the Pi-PipBoy Raspberry Pi Wrist Computer, an innovative project that combines the power and versatility of a Raspberry Pi with the convenience and functionality of a wearable device.
Create a Raspberry Pi Pico Based shortcut macro Keypad
Self Watering Plants
Create a self watering plant system using the Pimoroni Enviro Grow
PicoCrab 2
PicoCrab gets some upgrades and low-poly redesign; now uses the Elecfreaks Wukong 2040
Ghostbox is a fun project that displays random words on a screen.
Pi Stand v6
The Pi Stand gets an upgrade; a GoPro compatible Camera module and Hyperpixel 4.0 display
Servo Easing & Pancake-Bot
Learn how to use Easing algorithms for servos using MicroPython, with Pancake-Bot
Bubo is a Steampunk style companion robot that can toot pictures based on a user hand gesture
Learn how to print your own SMARS Mini, download the parts, and get the electronics today
Learn how to 3D Print, and build your own Raspberry Pi Pico W powered Cyberglasses
Camera Module 3 Stand
Print out a fun and practical stand for your Raspberry Pi Camera Module 3
Meet Cubie-1
Build a robot to learn ROS with
Ghostbusters Wi-Fi Scanner
3d Print a Ghostbusters PKE style Wi-Fi Scanner
Worlds most advanced Bauble
Build an internet controllable Christmas Bauble
Radar robot
Build a robot that can scan its surroundings with sound
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Build your own cute Spooky Scary Skeleton Robot for Halloween - Using a Raspberry Pi Pico/Pico W, HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Range finder, and an SG90 Servo
Pomodoro Robot!
Build your own cute Pomodoro Desk Robot - HeyBot! Using a Raspberry Pi Pico W and Pimoroni Display Pack 2.0
Simple Robot Arm
3D print a simple robot arm you can control over Wi-Fi using Phew! and the Pimoroni Inventor 2040 W
BurgerBot V2 - Quick on the Draw
Add a Sharpie to Burgerbot and learn how to draw with a robot!
Next Cube - a Homage to the original WWW server
Print your own Next Cube for the Raspberry Pi Pico W
Pimoroni Enviro Indoor Stevenson Screen case
3D Print your own Stevenson Screen for the Pimoroni Enviro Indoor sensor
Pi Stands
3D Print a range of cute stands for Raspberry Pi Zeros, Pi 2,3b,4b and Picos - specifically designed for Hats & pHats
Explora 3D files
3D Print your own Explora Robot
Zero Stand
3D Print a cute stand for Raspberry Pi Zeros - specifically designed for pHats
3D Papercraft
Papercraft is a fantastic entry point! This guide will walk you through the exciting journey of transforming digital 3D models into physical papercraft structures, perfect for incorporating into robotics projects
2 Items
Chip the Cute Humanoid Interactive Pal
Common Part Dimensions
A list of common dimensions of parts I use often, but forget
Facebot is a cute desktop robot that features a small 8x8 LED Display matrix. It is powered by a Raspberry Pi Pico W, which means we can control this robot using Wifi and/or Bluetooth.
Ollama - local ChatGPT on Pi 5
Learn how to build your private GPT server on a Raspberry Pi 5 & 4
Arduino Alvik
Arduino launched a new robot aimed at beginners but certainly not limited to that audience. It’s their first robot that’s designed for MicroPytjon first. There is even a new Arduino Lab for MicroPython IDE so you can get writing code faster.
KevsArcade is a project to create my own Arcade (yes, with multiple machines) using Raspberry Pi and a laser cutter
4 Items
Arduino Plug and Make Kit Review
Python and Arduino
In the world of robotics and DIY electronics, Arduino and Python are two powerful tools that can be combined to create amazing projects.
SMARS is the Screwless, Modular, Assemble-able, Robotic System.
The Three Laws of Robotics
Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics have been widely cited as a foundational framework for designing and programming robots and artificial intelligence systems. These laws are often used as a starting point for discussions on ethics, safety, and responsibility in the field of robotics and AI. However, it is important to examine the limitations and implications of these laws in greater detail.
Over the Air updates with MicroPython
Over-The-Air refers to the method of transmitting data, typically a software update, across a network without any wired connection
Raspberry Pi Time machine
This is a simple project to setup a Raspberry Pi as a Time Machine backup server for your Mac. This will allow you to backup your Mac automatically to the Raspberry Pi over your local network.
Where is my robot butler?
From Rosie the robot maid in "The Jetsons" to R2-D2 and C-3PO in "Star Wars," we have been fascinated by the prospect of humanoid robots serving us.
Power up your robot projects
Selecting the right energy source is crucial, and we've got you covered. Join us as we dive into batteries, solar power, level shifters, and more! Boost your robot's performance and efficiency with our comprehensive guide on power sources and techniques.
Hack a Big Mouth Billy Bass
Learn how to hack a Big Mouth Billy Bass with a Raspberry Pi Pico W
Pi to Pico W Bluetooth Communication
Two-Way Bluetooth Communication Between Raspberry Pi Picos
Bluetooth Remote Control Custom PCB
This article dives deep into an exciting project: a custom-made game controller using the Raspberry Pi Pico W.
Bluetooth remote controlled robot
Learn how to build your own Bluetooth remote controlled robot using a Raspberry Pi Pico and MicroPython
The really cool thing about the website is that it has the largest collection of links to Raspberry Pi Hats, pHats, wHats, Bonnets and shims that you'll find anywhere else on the internet.
A brachiograph is a type of robotic arm designed to mimic the movement of a human arm. It typically consists of a series of joints and links, which can be controlled to perform tasks such as drawing, picking, and placing objects. The term "brachiograph" is derived from the Greek words "brachion" (arm) and "graph" (to write), highlighting its initial use for drawing and writing applications.
Duckface lets you apply filters and overlays to images, then post to Twitter and Instagram.
Build a Raspberry Pi Pico version of the classic Operation game
PIKON Camera - Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera Project
Build your own portable Raspberry Pi Camera featuring the High Quality
How to setup a Phew! Access Point
Setup your own Wi-Fi Captive Portal for Robotics project
Using VIAM to Map a room
Chicken Nugget of Doom
Ever wondered if a McDonald's Chicken Nugget could venture into the world of gaming?
Docker Swarm
Learn how to build a Docker Swarm cluster on Raspberry Pi 5, and deploy and manage scalable microservices applications.
Build your own home server with Raspberry Pi 5
In this guide, we'll focus on turning your Raspberry Pi 5 into a versatile home server & home lab using Docker, a powerful tool for running applications in lightweight containers.
Stream ESP32CAM video
How to capture a video stream from an ESP32CAM in Python on a Raspberry Pi 5
Intermediate MicroPython
Learn about Obect Oriented Programming, Polymorphism, Inheritance and more in this new MicroPython course
Learn now live!
Learn at MicroPython, from scratch, and your own pace
A quirky project, by a quirky maker, for his tiny dog
Potato Powered Pico
The humble potato, a staple of many diets around the world, has a surprising additional use: as a battery. Today, we’ll explore the science behind potato batteries, perform some calculations, and walk you through how to wire them together.
Learn how to build SQLite3 Databases in Python.
7 Items
Raspberry Pi Telegraf Setup with Docker
"Learn how to set up Telegraf on your Raspberry Pi with Docker to monitor system metrics and integrate with popular time-series databases like InfluxDB or Prometheus."
Raspberry Pi WordPress Setup with Docker
Learn how to turn your Raspberry Pi into a WordPress server using Docker, allowing for an easily manageable and portable WordPress installation.
Raspberry Pi WireGuard VPN Setup with Docker
Learn how to set up a secure WireGuard VPN on your Raspberry Pi using Docker, allowing remote access to your home network securely and easily.
Raspberry Pi MotionEye Camera Setup with Docker
Learn how to set up MotionEye on your Raspberry Pi with Docker to turn it into a network camera server, perfect for monitoring home security or creating a DIY surveillance system.
Raspberry Pi Ghost Setup with Docker
Transform your Raspberry Pi into a Ghost blogging platform using Docker. This guide covers the setup process and configuration for a personal Ghost site.
Setting Up Dynamic DNS on a Raspberry Pi for Self-Hosting
Learn how to configure Dynamic DNS on your Raspberry Pi to enable easy remote access and self-host your WordPress, Ghost blog, or other web services.
Learn how to install MicroPython on your microcontroller
Ultimate Guide to Setting Up RetroPie on a Raspberry Pi 4
A comprehensive guide to setting up RetroPie on a Raspberry Pi 4
Face Detection
Today's session aims to help you set up your raspberry PI robot to perform face detection, change lights based on the faces it sees, and give a brief demo of how it works.
3 Items
Galactic Hero Game
Learn how to build your own Guitar Hero Clone with the Pimoroni Galactic Unicorn and MicroPython
RetroPie Samba Setup
Learn how to setup Samba file sharing on a Raspberry Pi based RetroPie gaming system
RetroPie Gaming on the CM4 Inside an Atari 2600 Replica
An enticing union of the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 IO board housed in a 3D printed replica of the legendary Atari 2600.
SMARS Inventor
Build your own SMARS Robot using the Pimoroni Inventor 2040 W
The best robotic Arm kit available!
Learn about the new tags feature on
C2Pi-O Laser cut Camera holder
Build a laser-cut robot
Robots and Lasers
Learning System updates
Pybricks is an open-source firmware designed for LEGO Mindstorms and other compatible LEGO hardware like EV3, Powered Up, and SPIKE Prime. The primary goal of Pybricks is to provide a more powerful programming environment using the popular Python programming language. With Pybricks, users can unlock the full potential of their LEGO creations, enjoying greater flexibility and customization options.
Rover the Mecanum Robot
Build your own Mecanum Robot using this guide
We explore its features, pros, cons, and why it's a disruptive innovation challenging ChatGPT and Gemini.
Build a Raspberry Pi Pico powered bluetooth remote control for your robot
10 Projects for your Raspberry Pi Pico
If you've just got a new Raspberry Pi Pico and you're looking for some inspiration, then you've come to the right place. Here is a collection of projects that you can build with your Raspberry Pi Pico.
Build a Web Server Using a Raspberry Pi Pico W and Phew!
Learn how to build a web server and templating engine using a Raspberry Pi Pico W.
Retro Arcade
A review of the Elecfreaks Retro:Game Arcade Kit
BurgerBot - a simple 3D Printable Robot
Build your own 2 motor, Pico W-based, 3d printable robot
What is MicroPython?
MicroPython is a lean and efficient implementation of the Python 3 programming language that includes a small subset of the Python standard library and is optimised to run on microcontrollers and in constrained environments.
What is MicroPython (old version)?
In this blog post, we will explore what MicroPython is, how it differs from Python, and some of its unique features.
How to install an NVMe drive on a Raspberry Pi 5
In this article we'll take a quick look at what NVMe is all about, and how to install an NVMe drive on a Raspberry Pi 5.
Obsidian - the best tool for Makers
"Unlike other writing tools, Obsidian uses [Markdown](/resources/glossary/#markdown) files to store your notes. This means that your notes are stored in plain text files that can be easily read and edited by other applications."
HP Robots Otto
The HP Robots Otto is a versatile and customizable robot kit that offers a fun and educational introduction to robotics and programming.
Making a Custom PCB for BurgerBot
Creating a custom PCB for BurgerBot has been on my bucket list for at least a year, and last Sunday the audience voted for a mid-week stream
Pi-Apps is a powerful tool that simplifies the process of installing, managing, and updating applications on your Raspberry Pi. With its user-friendly interface and extensive software library, Pi-Apps is an essential tool for Raspberry Pi enthusiasts and beginners alike.
12 Items
Gamepad 2
Picotamachibi 2
6 Items
10 Items
Googley Googley Eyes
Remember XEyes on the X Desktop, well its like that, but IRL
13 Items
Build your own AI Assistant in Python
To create our AI assistant, we require a Raspberry Pi computer. I am personally using a Raspberry Pi 4, but it can also work on a Raspberry Pi Zero.
3 parts are now available!
Learn how to build your own AI Assistant using Python
New ROS Course
Learn how to use ROS and build Robots with Python
44 Items
Random Robot Facts
Every visit generates a new random fact about robots.
Raspberry Pi 5
Learn all about the new features and changes
14 Items
11 Items
10 Tips for getting started
Here are my Top 10 tips for getting started with robotics
A Raspberry Pi Pico W Powered SMARS Robot
A few weeks ago, I decided to create my own robot that could play tic tac toe using Raspberry Pi Pico
5 Items
Welcome to Kev's Robots
Welcome to Kev's Robots, the sister site to Kev's YouTube Channel
Elf detector
Viam has a really easy to use machine learning training system that can be used to train a model to recognise objects. I thought it would be fun to train a model to recognise Elves, and then use it on a robot that could find them.
SunFounder GalaxyRVR Review
A versatile and customizable robot that can be programmed to perform a wide range of tasks
Motion Controlled Arm
In this project, we will build a motion controlled robotic arm using a Raspberry Pi and a camera
Robotics Roadmap
Welcome to our comprehensive guide for beginners interested in the exciting world of robotics! This downloadable PDF has been meticulously crafted to provide you with an extensive overview of various aspects of robotics, from basic electronics and programming fundamentals to mechanics, design, and advanced topics.
Bugs the Robo-Bunny
Robo-Bunny build blog
In December 2021 I decided to build a cluster of Raspberry Pi's to learn more about distributed computing and to experiment with Docker Swarm.
Cracking Enigma with Raspberry Pi
The Enigma code, used by Germany during World War II for secure communications, was among the most complex ciphers. Discover how we can crack it using Raspberry Pi.
Mastering Posture Detection with CVZone
A comprehensive course on posture detection and assessment using CVZone and mediapipe
Cutebot & Cutebot Pro
Cutebot and Cutebot Pro are two (too cute?) Microbit robots from Elecfreaks
Build a quick outdoor sensor for temperature and humidity using a DHT22 sensor and a Raspberry Pi Pico
Learn how to build a cute robot that can show you the temperature with a servo
Makers Central
Makers Central is a UK based event, hosted at the Birmingham National Exhibition Centre (NEC); this year it took place over the 13 & 14 of May 2023.
Guiding Light
Hey Robot Makers!
Sync Files on your Pis, with Syncthing
Buddy Jr.
This project is perfect for beginners who want to get started with robotics and programming. You'll learn how to build a small robot arm using 4 servos and control it with a Raspberry Pi using Python.
Robot Arms
Extend your reach with these robotic arm projects. From simple pick and place robots to complex inverse kinematics, we have a range of projects to suit all skill levels.
Build a Raspberry Pi Home Hub with a 7" touchscreen display and Kivy
Lego & Robots
Learn how to use Lego in your robotics projects
Maker Faire Rome 2023
Learn about the projects on show at Maker Faire Rome 2023
Yukon & Omnibot 3000
Meet the Omnibot 3000, a Pimoroni Yukon powered Omnibot 2000. This is a work-in-progress project, so somethings may change!
Omnibot 3000
This is a work-in-progress project, so somethings may change!
Pico W Toothbrush
A 3D Printed Raspberry Pi Pico powered toothbrush you can build and program yourself
TherePi - Music Making with a Raspberry Pi
In this project, we will build a theremin using a Raspberry Pi and rangefinders
Electric Trombone
In this project, we will build an electric trombone using a Raspberry Pi Pico as a MIDI controller.
8 Items
PicoCat Lives
Some code and pictures
PicoCat v2
All about PicoCat and the new upgrades and improvements
You can host your own NextCloud server on your Raspberry Pi, and share files online with your friends and family.
9 Items
Robot Makers Almanac
High Five Bot
The High Five Bot is a robot that gives you a well deserved high five. The robot is powered by a Raspberry Pi Pico and uses an ultrasonic range finder to detect your waiting
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