Two-Way Bluetooth Communication Between Raspberry Pi Picos

Learn how to set up two-way Bluetooth communication between two Raspberry Pi Picos using MicroPython.

 31 August 2024   |     7 minute read   |   By Kevin McAleer   |   Share this article on


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Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is a powerful technology that enables devices to communicate wirelessly over short distances. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to use BLE to establish communication between two Raspberry Pi Pico W devices using MicroPython. One device will act as a Central (client), and the other as a Peripheral (server). We’ll send messages from the central to the peripheral, which will respond back, demonstrating a simple yet effective communication system.

Why BLE and Raspberry Pi Pico W?

The Raspberry Pi Pico W is a microcontroller that comes with built-in Wi-Fi and BLE capabilities, making it perfect for IoT (Internet of Things) projects. BLE is especially suited for low-power, low-data-rate communications, ideal for connecting small devices like the Pico W.

Project Overview

In this project, we’ll:

  1. Set up one Raspberry Pi Pico W as a Peripheral (server).
  2. Set up another Raspberry Pi Pico W as a Central (client).
  3. Enable the central to send messages to the peripheral.
  4. Have the peripheral respond back to the central.

We’ll use MicroPython, a lightweight version of Python designed to run on microcontrollers, to program our devices.


Before we dive in, make sure you have:

  • Two Raspberry Pi Pico W devices.
  • MicroPython installed on both devices.
  • Basic understanding of Python and asynchronous programming.
  • Thonny or another IDE set up for programming the Pico W.

Understanding the Roles: Central vs. Peripheral

In BLE communication:

  • Peripheral (Server): This device advertises itself and offers services that other devices can interact with. It waits for a central device to connect and can send data to the central.
  • Central (Client): This device scans for peripherals, connects to them, and interacts with their services by reading, writing, or subscribing to notifications.

UUIDs: The Identifiers

In BLE, UUIDs (Universal Unique Identifiers) are used to uniquely identify services and characteristics. We define these at the start of our program:

_SERVICE_UUID = bluetooth.UUID(0x1848)

These UUIDs ensure that the central and peripheral are communicating over the correct channels.

The Code Breakdown

Let’s walk through the key parts of the code that enable this BLE communication.

1. Setting Up the Peripheral (Server)

The peripheral is responsible for advertising its presence and providing a characteristic that the central can interact with.

async def run_peripheral_mode():
    # Set up the Bluetooth service and characteristic
    ble_service = aioble.Service(BLE_SVC_UUID)
    characteristic = aioble.Characteristic(

    print(f"{BLE_NAME} starting to advertise")

    while True:
        async with await aioble.advertise(
            appearance=BLE_APPEARANCE) as connection:
            print(f"{BLE_NAME} connected to another device: {connection.device}")

            tasks = [
                asyncio.create_task(send_data_task(connection, characteristic)),
            await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
            print(f"{IAM} disconnected")

What’s Happening Here?

  • Service and Characteristic: We create a service with a characteristic that the central can read from, write to, and receive notifications from.
  • Advertising: The peripheral starts advertising itself, waiting for the central to connect.
  • Handling Connections: Once connected, it sets up tasks to handle sending and receiving data.

2. Setting Up the Central (Client)

The central scans for the peripheral, connects to it, and sends data.

async def run_central_mode():
    # Start scanning for a device with the matching service UUID
    while True:
        device = await ble_scan()

        if device is None:
        print(f"device is: {device}, name is {}")

            print(f"Connecting to {}")
            connection = await device.device.connect()

        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            print("Timeout during connection")

        print(f"{IAM} connected to {connection}")

        # Discover services
        async with connection:
                service = await connection.service(BLE_SVC_UUID)
                characteristic = await service.characteristic(BLE_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID)
            except (asyncio.TimeoutError, AttributeError):
                print("Timed out discovering services/characteristics")
            except Exception as e:
                print(f"Error discovering services {e}")
                await connection.disconnect()

            tasks = [
            await asyncio.gather(*tasks)

            await connection.disconnected()
            print(f"{BLE_NAME} disconnected from {}")

What’s Happening?

  • Scanning: The central scans for peripherals advertising the specific service UUID.
  • Connecting: Once it finds the peripheral, it connects and discovers the available services and characteristics.
  • Communication: The central then listens for data from the peripheral and can send responses back.

3. Sending and Receiving Data

Sending Data

The central sends messages to the peripheral:

async def send_data_task(connection, characteristic):
    global message_count
    while True:
        message = f"{MESSAGE} {message_count}"
        message_count += 1
        print(f"sending {message}")

            msg = encode_message(message)

            await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
            response = decode_message(

            print(f"{IAM} sent: {message}, response {response}")
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"writing error {e}")

        await asyncio.sleep(0.5)

Receiving Data

The peripheral receives messages and can respond:

async def receive_data_task(characteristic):
    global message_count
    while True:
            data = await

            if data:
                print(f"{IAM} received: {decode_message(data)}, count: {message_count}")
                await characteristic.write(encode_message("Got it"))
                await asyncio.sleep(0.5)

            message_count += 1

        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            print("Timeout waiting for data in {ble_name}.")
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error receiving data: {e}")

4. Encoding and Decoding Messages

BLE communication requires data to be sent in a specific format (bytes). We use two simple functions to encode and decode messages:

def encode_message(message):
    return message.encode('utf-8')

def decode_message(message):
    return message.decode('utf-8')

Running the Code

  1. Peripheral Device: Set IAM = "Peripheral" and run the code on one Pico W.
  2. Central Device: Set IAM = "Central" and run the code on the other Pico W.

The devices will establish a connection, and you’ll see messages being sent from the central to the peripheral and responses coming back.


In this tutorial, we explored how to use MicroPython and BLE to enable two Raspberry Pi Pico W devices to communicate wirelessly. We set up one device as a central and the other as a peripheral, enabling a two-way communication system. This foundation can be expanded into more complex IoT applications, allowing devices to interact in real-time over BLE.

Whether you’re building a simple remote control or a complex sensor network, understanding how to leverage BLE in your projects opens up a world of possibilities. Happy coding!


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