Level Up your CAD Skills
Operation Pico
Raspberry Pi Home Hub
Hacky Temperature and Humidity Sensor
Robot Makers Almanac
High Five Bot
Using the Raspberry Pi Pico's Built-in Temperature Sensor
Getting Started with SQL
Introduction to the Linux Command Line on Raspberry Pi OS
How to install MicroPython
Wall Drawing Robot Tutorial
BrachioGraph Tutorial
I like to build a robot at least once per month, check on my progress below:
The bot that gives you a crisp high five
Creating a custom PCB for Burgerbot
C2Pi-O - the 2 Pi Camera holder
Build a Laser Cut Robot
A Wall drawing robot
A simple drawing robot
The evolution of the Otto DIY robot
Arduino's latest Robot kit
Build a simple Robot arm for the Raspberry Pi with Python and the PCA9685
A Tic-Tac-Toe playing robot
SunFounder GalaxyRVR Review
SLAM Navigation with Viam
An 80s retro robot showcasing Pimoroni Yukon
A cute robot that can tell you the temperature on its stomach
Facebot is a cute desktop robot that features a small 8x8 LED Display matrix.
Learn how to build a pair of Googley Eyes that google what they see
How to build a no-code robot with Viam
Learn how to build a bluetooth remote controlled robot
The robotic dog from Elecfreaks
The robotic arm Kit from MeArm
A cute, 3D Printable Humanoid Robot
A simple self balancing robot using the Pybricks library
Pico Crab version 2.0
A fun Pancake-flipping robot with Servo Easing
A Steam Punk Robot that can Toot messages
Build a Tiny robot with a Pimoronit Tiny 2040
Build a ROS robot with a Raspberry Pi 4
Build a robot that can scan its surroundings with sound
Build your own cute Spooky Scary Skeleton Robot for Halloween
Build your own Cute Pomodoro Desk Robot
Build your own 2 motor, Pico W-based, 3d printable robot
Build your own SMARS Robot using the Pimoroni Inventor 2040 W
A Cute Robot Cat
The best Starter Robot there is
A cool Raspberry Pi Zero based robot you can build youself
A 3d printed mecanum robot powered by the Pimoroni Motor 2040
Hack a Big Mouth Billy Bass with a Raspberry Pi Pico W
An Arduino based robot that you can build yourself
An four legged Arduino based robot that you can build yourself