Introduction to FastAPI and User Authentication Basics

Learn the basics of FastAPI and the principles of user authentication to secure your static sites.

By Kevin McAleer,    2 Minutes

FastAPI cover image

What is FastAPI?

FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance) web framework for building APIs with Python 3.7+ based on standard Python type hints. It’s designed to create APIs that are intuitive to write and easy to read and test.

Understanding User Authentication

User authentication is a process that verifies the identity of a user attempting to access a system. It’s crucial for securing sensitive information and ensuring that only authorized users can perform certain actions.

Why Use FastAPI for Authentication?

  • Speed and Performance: FastAPI is one of the fastest web frameworks for Python, ideal for handling authentication requests efficiently.
  • Ease of Use: With straightforward syntax and built-in support for data validation and serialization, FastAPI simplifies the development of secure APIs.
  • Asynchronous Support: FastAPI supports asynchronous request handling, making it suitable for high-concurrency environments.

Real-World Application

By integrating FastAPI with a statically generated site like Jekyll, you can add dynamic features such as user authentication, combining the security and speed of static sites with the flexibility of dynamic content.

Getting Ready

Next, we’ll dive into setting up our development environment and starting our project with FastAPI, laying the groundwork for adding authentication features to your Jekyll site.

Additional Resources

Lesson Assignment

Reflect on the potential benefits of adding user authentication to a static site. Consider how combining FastAPI with Jekyll could enhance site functionality and user experience.

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