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What is Servo Easing?

Servo easing is a technique used to improve the smoothness of the movement of servo motors. It is achieved by using a mathematical algorithm to adjust the acceleration and deceleration of the servo motor as it moves between two positions. This helps create a smoother, more natural motion and can help reduce motor noise and wear.

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Types of Servo easing algorithms

There are quite a few common servo easing algorithms, we’ll look at the most common here.

There are 3 types of algorithm:

  1. Ease In - starts with a slow changing value and builds up towards the end position
  2. Ease Out - starts with a fast changing value and slows towards the end position
  3. Ease In-Out - Starts and ends with a slow changing value, with a burst of speed half way through

Easing graphs

For each of the Ease-in, Ease-out and Ease-in-out, there are also many different algorithms which change the speed of increase and decrease of the easing:

  • linear - (no easing applied)
  • Sine
  • Circular
  • Quad
  • Cubic
  • Quart
  • Quint
  • Exponential

A chart of all the different easing algorithms

How easing works

Easing algorithms take 3 initial values:

  • Start value
  • End Value
  • Duration

The ease function will calculate the position of the servo, given a time value.

A time value of 0 will give the the start value, a time value of the duration with give the end value, and any time value inbetween 0 and duration will give the servo value, based on which easing algorithm is used.

Here is an example snippet of code, for the ease in quad algorithm.

def ease_in_quad(t: float) -> float:
    """ t is the time value, returns the servo position"""
        return t * t


Here is the link to the Github repository that contains the code:


As of the writing of this article, its nearly Pancake day (also known as Shrove Tuesday), so I thought it would be fun to create a robot that can flip pancakes. This would also be useful for experimenting with servo easing techniques, to find the best one for flipping a tiny 3d printed pancake.


This small robot has two servo controlled arms, with cooking implements attached:

  • a cooking spatula
  • a frying pan

The robot also has a small pancacke, and an optional chef’s hat.

Bill of Materials

Item Description Qty Cost
Servo 2040 Pimoroni Servo 2040 1 £24.00
2x Servos DS 929 MG servos 2 £9.60
1x m2 screw Screw to attach the head 1 £0.10

Download the STLS and print today

There are quite a few parts, some of which are very delicate so becareful when removing them from the build surface and when removing suport structures.

Pancake-Bot 3d printed files on a 3d printer

Pancake-Bot 3d looking at the camera

Pancake-Bot code

The code for Pancake-Bot is bundled with the Bubo-2t Repository; you’ll need to upload the bubo folder to the Pico or Servo 2040, along with the Python file.

There is also a Jupyter Notebook named notebook.ipynb which contains code for you to explore and experiment with.


The left_arm (the one with the frying pan) is connected to servo socket 1 on the Servo 2040, the right_arm (the one with the spatula) is connected to servo socket 3 on the Servo 2040.

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