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Chip the Cute Humanoid Interactive Pal

Meet Chip

Chip the Cute Humanoid Interactive Pal, is a small, 3d printable robot you can build yourself. Its powered by the Pimoronoi Servo 2040 (there aren’t many boards that have 18 Servo sockets), and programmed in MicroPython.

Inspiration and idea - Why I designed this robot

Chip Slide

I want to make a small bipedal robot for experimenting with walking and gestures. I also want to make one similar to:

  • Plen
  • Robosen
  • EZ-Robot
  • Called Chip - because it will sit on my shoulder…

Chip will be made up of:

  • 19 Servos (Yikes - will be expensive)
  • 3D printable
  • Powered by RP2040 based Pimoroni Servo 2040
  • MicroPython
  • Detects movement and responds
  • Capable of many gestures; Walking, Pointing,Waving, Clapping, Running, Crawling

Electronics - Bill of Materials

Chip Electronics Slide

To build Chip you’ll need the following parts:

Part Description Qty Cost
Servo DS 929MG Servos 19 £9.90
Servo Driver Pimoroni Servo 2040 1 £20.00
Range Finder HC-SR04 Range Finder 1 £6.00
Battery pack TBC 1 £0.00

3D Design - Fusion 360

Here are all the 3d printable parts that make up Chip

Part Description
Chip 3d printed Slide Houses the Arm, Leg and Neck Servos, M2 Screw holes for servos, 4x M3 for the Torso cover
Chip 3d printed Slide Protects Servos, Screws in with 4x M2 screws, Belly button
Chip 3d printed Slide Connects to Arm Servo on Torso, Connects to Arm Assembly
Chip 3d printed Slide Connects to Arm Servo on Torso, Holds two servos
Chip 3d printed Slide Connects to Arm Servo on Torso, Holds two servos, Connects to Hand
Chip 3d printed Slide Connects to Arm Servo, The sound of one hand clapping
Chip 3d printed Slide Connects to Leg Servo on Torso
Chip 3d printed Slide Holds two servos at 90 degrees from each other, Pivots in 2 DOF, No top cover required as the servos connect to the respective servo pivots on the attached pieces, These are used in the upper and lower leg
Chip 3d printed Slide Hinge with Servo at 90 degrees
Chip 3d printed Slide Connects lower leg to Foot
Chip 3d printed Slide Connects Shin to foot, Holds 2x Servos
Chip 3d printed Slide Completes the Leg Assembly, 1 Degree of freedom
Chip 3d printed Slide 5x Servos per leg, 6 degrees of freedom including the Hip servo
Chip 3d printed Slide 18 Servos for the full body, Hands can touch, Legs can sit, crawl, stand, walk
Chip 3d printed Slide Holds the Ultrasonic Range Finder Sensor, Attaches to Neck servo
Chip 3d printed Slide Head contains a Range finder, Head can turn 180 Degrees left to Right

Future plans

I’ve a couple of plans for Chip -

  • Walking Cycle with IMU for Balance
  • Fun Animations & Behaviours
  • MicroPython Library for Chip
  • Course on on how to build

Download the 3D printable STL files

To make printing the files easier, I’ve bundled the mirrored parts together:

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- Kevin McAleer