Cover image for SMARS Inventor


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SMARS Inventor

When the Pimoroni Inventor 2040 W launched I just knew I had to put this in a SMARS robot. After all its the exact same dimensions as a SMARS, almost as if it was designed that way!

The code for this project is available on GitHub:


Part Description Qty Price
Galleon Battery 400mah hardcase LiPo Battery 1 £7.50
LiPo Amigo Pro The best LiPo charger for robotics 1 £8.40
Inventor 2040 The best Pico W board for Robotics! 1 £34.50
MMME Micro Metal Motor with Encoders 2 £9.90
Speaker A tiny Speaker, surprisingly loud 1 £1.80
JST Cable - 6 Pin 6 Pin JST Cable for Motors (Pack of 4) 1 £3.00

STL files

Lipo Charger and Motors Battery Holder Laser Rangefinder Lipo Charging

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