Cover image for Iskarni Hack


Watch the associated video here:


  • Saw this in ikea and thought it would be a fun project to add IoT to
  • Envisaged it responding to a persons voice and glowing when listening
  • Could be connected to our Alf AI Assistant to bring that to life
  • Also could be connected to Home Assistant and MQTT


  • Need to add a microcontroller to the head, with ability to control the RGB LED Lights inside
  • Unknown what kind of RGB LED is inside already
  • Unknown what voltage the RGB LED light requires
  • May not have enough space inside for new components - might need to 3d print some parts

Bill of Materials

Item Description Qty Cost
Head Lamp ISKÄRNA by Ikea 1 £25.00
Plasma Stick 2040 W Pimoroni Plasma Stick 2040 W 1 £12.00
Sound sensor DollaTek Sensor Module Sound Sensor 1 £3.99
RGB LED Ring light Adafruit NeoPixel Ring - 5050 RGB LED 16 pixel 1 £9.90
3d Printing filament 3d printing filament for base 1 -


Wiring Diagram

Sound Sensor

Wiring Diagram

3D Printable STL Downloads

Here are the 2 STL files:

MicroPython code

Follow this link for the code repository

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