Self Watering Plants Build a self watering plant system 11 March 2023 1 minute read By Kevin McAleer Share this article on Table of Contents Bill of Materials3d designAssemblyDownload the STL files and print today Tags Raspberry Pi Pico MicroPython Pimoroni Enviro Enviro Grow Plants 3D Printing
Bill of Materials Items Description Qty Price Enviro Grow Pimoroni Enviro Grow 1 £39.99 or    Accessory Kit Pimoroni Enviro Grow kit accessory kit 1 49.50 or    Grow Hat Mini Pimoroni Grow Hat Mini for Raspberry Pi 1 £27.50 M2 Screws M2 Screws 4 £2.00 3d design I’ve designed some cute Geometric plant pots with integrated drainage holes, feed-tube input an sensor holder. This is the second interation of the design, the first version caused the self watering system to mis-read the sensors as the sensor was not deep enough into the soil to take a proper reading, and instead kept watering the plant until the water supply ran out. The Grow Hat Mini is mounted on top of a Raspberry Pi Zero W, which is intern mounted on a Pi Stand. Assembly The Grow Hat Mini, or Enviro grow connects to the 3 soil moisture sensors, and also to the three water pumps, and each water pump connects to a plant pot (ensure that the sensor and pump are connected to the same plant - A, B & C). Download the STL files and print today plantpot.stl - Large Plantpot grow holder.stl - Enviro Grow Holder connector.stl - Connector (connects the feed tube to the plantpot)