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HeyBot! The Pomodoro timer Desk Robot

HeyBot! is a Pomodoro timer desk robot you can use to increase your productivity.

Bill of Materials

Part Description Qty Cost
Raspberry Pi Pico W The $6 microcontroller from Raspberry Pi 1 £6.00
Display Pack 2.0 Pimoroni 2” Display that plugs into the Pico W Headers 1 £18.90
M2 Bolts Securely attach the Pico W to the Head using M2 Bolts 4 £0.10

Prices and availability may vary.

MicroPython Code

Download or clone the code here:

The code for HeyBot consists to two main parts:

  • - Countdown Timer class
  • - the main program

This project also uses a couple of Pimoroni MicroPython libraries:

  • PicoGraphics - graphics library
  • Phew! - the Pico HTTP Endpoint Wrangler, for quick connection to Wi-Fi, and NTP time library
  • Pimoroni-Pico - the ‘batteries included’ build of MicroPython


Be sure to copy all the jpeg images to the Pico W; Thonny makes this easy, just select them in the file browser, right click and upload to the Pico.

CountDownTimer Class

# Countdown timer

from machine import RTC
import time

class CountDownTimer():
    hours = 0
    minutes = 0
    seconds = 0
    duration = 25 # minutes default
    duration_in_seconds = duration * 60
    alarm = False
    def __init__(self):
        self.start_time = time.time()
        print(f'start time is :{self.start_time}')
    def duration(self):
        """ Return the duration in minutes """
        return self.duration_in_seconds * 60
    def duration(self, duration_in_minutes):
        """ Set the duration in minutes """
        self.duration_in_seconds = duration_in_minutes * 60
    def duration_seconds(self, duration):
        """ Set the duration in seconds """
        self.target_time = time.time() + duration
        self.duration_in_seconds = duration
    def reset(self):
        """ Reset the timer, and turn off the alarm """
        self.start_time = time.time()
        self.alarm = False
    def time_to_str(self,time_as_number)->str:
        """ return the current time as a pretty string of text """
        target = time.localtime(time_as_number)
        hours =  target[3]
        minutes = target[4]
        seconds =  target[5]
        return f'{hours:02}:{minutes:02}:{seconds:02}'
    def start_time_str(self)->str:
        """ Return the start time as a pretty string of text """
        target = self.start_time

        return self.time_to_str(target)
    def target_time(self)->int:
        """  Return the target time as an integer """
        # add duration in seconds to epoc
        target = self.start_time + (self.duration_in_seconds)
        return target
    def target_str(self)->str:
        """ Return the target time as a pretty string of text """

        return self.time_to_str(self.target_time)
    def remaining_str(self)->str:
        """ Return the remaining time as a pretty string of text """
        time_left = self.remaining_seconds       

        return self.time_to_str(time_left)
    def current_time_str(self)->str:
        """ Return the current time as a pretty string of text """
        current = time.time()

        return self.time_to_str(current)
    def remaining_seconds(self)->int:
        """ returns remaining seconds as an integer """
        remaining = self.target_time - time.time()
        if remaining > 0:
            return remaining
        else: return 0
    def isalarm(self)->bool:
        """ Returns the state of the Alarm, as a boolean - True of Ralse"""
        if self.remaining_seconds == 0:
            self.alarm = True
            return True
            return False
    def tick(self):
        """ Return the remaining time as a pretty string of text """
        # Get time as tuple
        # (year, month, mday, hour, minute, second, weekday, yearday)
        return self.remaining_str
    def status(self):
        """ Print the current status, useful for debugging """
        if not self.isalarm():
            print(f'Start time    : {self.start_time_str}', end='')
            print(f' | Current time  : {self.current_time_str}', end='')
            print(f' | Target time   : {self.target_str}', end='')
            print(f' | Remaining time: {self.remaining_str}')

Main Pomodoro Program

The code below is the main program, it shows the current time, countdown timer and an animated face.

# pomodoro

from phew import connect_to_wifi, logging
from phew.ntp import fetch
from config import wifi_ssid, wifi_password
import usocket
import jpegdec
import struct
from time import sleep, gmtime, time
from machine import RTC
from picographics import PicoGraphics, DISPLAY_PICO_DISPLAY_2
from random import choice
from countdowntimer import CountDownTimer
from pimoroni import Button

display = PicoGraphics(display=DISPLAY_PICO_DISPLAY_2, rotate=180)

# Get the screen dimensions
WIDTH, HEIGHT = display.get_bounds()

EYES = 'eyes.jpg'

# set up buttons
button_a = Button(12)
button_b = Button(13)
button_x = Button(14)
button_y = Button(15)

# Setup the animation frames for Angry face
angry_frames = ['angry01.jpg',

# Setup the animation frames for Normal face
normal_frames = ['normal01.jpg',

# Setup the animation frames for Static face
static_frames = ['eyes.jpg',

# Define the pen colors - used for drawing text and shapes
RED = display.create_pen(255,0,0)
WHITE = display.create_pen(255,255,255)
BLACK = display.create_pen(0,0,0)
class Animate():
    """ Models animations """
    direction = 'forward'       # Set the direction of the animation forward or backward
    frame = 1                   # Current frame   
    frames = []                 # list of all frames
    is_done_animating = False
    def animate(self, display):
        """ Animate the frames """
        if self.direction == 'forward':
            self.frame += 1
            if self.frame > len(self.frames):
                self.direction = 'backward'
                self.frame = len(self.frames)
            self.frame -= 1
            if self.frame < 1:
                self.direction = 'forward'
                self.frame = 1
                self.is_done_animating = True
        # Draw the current frame

def draw_jpg(display, filename):
    """ Display a JPEG on the display, best if the image is the same size as the display """
    j = jpegdec.JPEG(display)

    # Open the JPEG file

    # Get the screen dimensions and clip image if necessary
    WIDTH, HEIGHT = display.get_bounds()
    display.set_clip(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT)

    # Decode the JPEG
    j.decode(0, 0, jpegdec.JPEG_SCALE_FULL)

def update_clock(max_attempts = 5):
    """ Update the clock from the internet """
    ntp_host = ''
    attempt = 1
    while attempt < max_attempts:
            query = bytearray(48)
            query[0] = 0x1b
            address = usocket.getaddrinfo(ntp_host, 123)[0][-1]
            socket = usocket.socket(usocket.AF_INET, usocket.SOCK_DGRAM)
            socket.sendto(query, address)
            data = socket.recv(48)
            local_epoch = 2208988800
            timestamp = struct.unpack("!I", data[40:44])[0] - local_epoch
            t = gmtime(timestamp)
            if not t:
                logging.error(" - failed to fetch time from ntp server")
                return False
            RTC().datetime((t[0], t[1], t[2], t[6],t[3],t[4],t[5],0))
  " - rtc synced")
            return True
        except Exception as e:
        attempt += 1
    return False

def banner(display, bg_colour, fg_colour):
    """ Display a coloured banner on the display """

# ------------------ Main Program ------------------

# connect to Wi-Fi
logging.debug('about to connect to Wi-Fi')
connect_to_wifi(wifi_ssid, wifi_password)

# update the clock
t = update_clock()

# Create a countdown timer
countdown = CountDownTimer()

# Set the countdown timer to 25 minutes
countdown.duration = 25

# Set the font

# log the current time
current_time = countdown.current_time_str

# Set the default drawing coordinates
x = 1
y = 1
scale = 4
angle = 0
spacing = 1
wordwrap = False

# Setup Animations
animations = [angry_frames,normal_frames, static_frames]
animation = Animate()
animation.frames = choice(animations)

# Start the timer

# The main loop
while True:
    # Read button states
        print("button Y")
        print("button A")
    # Update the time display 
    current_time = countdown.current_time_str

    remaining_time = countdown.remaining_str
    # Animate the face
    if not animation.is_done_animating:
        animation.frames = choice(animations)
        animation.is_done_animating = False
    # Display the countdown timer
    x = WIDTH // 2 - (display.measure_text(current_time, scale, spacing) //2 )
    display.text(current_time, x, y, wordwrap, scale, angle, spacing)
    x = WIDTH // 2 - (display.measure_text(remaining_time, scale, spacing) //2 )
    if countdown.alarm:
        print('countdown done')
        if gmtime()[5] % 2 == 0 :
            banner(display,RED, WHITE)
    display.text(remaining_time, x, y+210, wordwrap, scale, angle, spacing)
    # Update the display

Wiring up the Robot - plug and play

Screw the Pico W into the Head using the mount points, using 4x M2 Bolts.

Pico W Headers

The Pico W simply pushed onto the Pico Display Pack 2.0. Ensure you align the USB graphic on the back of the Pico Display Pack to make sure its the correct way round.

The STL files

There are 4 parts to download and print:

If you enjoy these files, please consider buying me a coffee (it took a while to design these!)

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