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50% Percent Complete
By Kevin McAleer, 3 Minutes
To use all the common ROS2 commands we need to source the setup script:
source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
In ROS we use workspaces to manage our robotics projects. They are essentially a folder, with a set of files that ROS expects to see. The great thing is that ROS makes it really easy to set these up with a single colcon build command.
colcon build
cd /ros2 mkdir first_app cd first_app mkdir src colcon build ls
You will see a few new folders created - build, install and log
What is colcon? colcon - collective construction Colcon is a command line tool to improve the workflow of building, testing and using multiple software packages. It automates the process, handles the ordering and sets up the environment to use the packages.
colcon - collective construction
Colcon is a command line tool to improve the workflow of building, testing and using multiple software packages. It automates the process, handles the ordering and sets up the environment to use the packages.
colcon created a new install folder; this contains a number of setup scripts that we will use to setup our terminal shell environment with the correct settings for this workspace.
You can look inside the setup files by using the cat command, eg cat setup.bash will show you (catalogue) the contents of the script.
cat setup.bash
Lets go ahead and setup out terminal shell environment with our freshly created workspace bash setup scripts.
source install/setup.bash
You may need to fix the permissions within the container so that VSCode can write to these files and folders.
chmod 777 -R ../first_app
Lets create our first ROS2 python program.
New Files
Lets cheat a bit - paste the code below, we’ll explain it in the next section
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # My first Node! import rclpy from rclpy.node import Node def main(args=None): rclpy.init(args=args) node = Node("py_test") node.get_logger().info("Hello ROS2") rclpy.spin(node) rclpy.shutdown() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Lets run it! Don’t worry we’ll explain exactly whats going on.
colcon build python3 src/talker.py
Congratulations! You’ve just written a ROS2 program.
But what does the code actually mean? Lets look at that closer in the next section.
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