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Rviz2 Displays

Lets learn about RViz2 Displays and setting it up for Laser scans

By Kevin McAleer,    3 Minutes

RViz2 screenshot

RViz2 Screen Layout

RViz has 3 main panel by default, and you can add additonal panels to suit your needs (its very flexible).

RViz2 Screen Layout

In the screenshot above you can see the main areas of the screen:

  1. The Displays panel (outlined in Red)
  2. The Main Camera Display (outlined in Blue)
  3. The Views panel (outlined in Green)

RPLidar Laser scanner

The SlamTec RPLidar A1 is an affordable laser scanner, ideal for use with robotics, and costs less than £99. We will use this in our tutorial. RPLidar factsheet

Adding out LiDAR Laser Scan

To view our LiDAR data in Rviz2 we need to do a couple of actions:

  • Download and complile the RPLidar_ros code
  • Start the RPLidar node
  • Start a tranformation node to translate the laser_scan coordinates to the World coordinates
  • Start rviz2 and add the laser_scan display

Download and complile the RPLidar_ros code

  • Download RPLidar code - From the Raspberry terminal, type:
git clone

The rplidar_ros2 folder needs to be inside the cubie-1 folder, so make sure this is in the correct place by draging this into the Cubie-1 folder

  • Compile the RPLidar code - From the docker-full_ros2_1 container, type:
colcon build
source install/setup.bash

Start the RPLidar node

We can now start the Laser scanner node.

  • Start a new container terminal session - from the Raspberry Pi terminal, type:
docker exec -it docker-full_ros2_1 bash

  • Start the Laser Scanner - from the docker-desktop_ros2_1 container, type:
cd ros2/rplidar_ros2
source install/setup.bash
ros2 run rplidar_ros rplidar_composition

The RPLidar will momentarily stop and then restart, and you will see some output on the terminal showing that the LiDAR is now up and running

Check the scan data topic exists

We can check that the /scan topic exists by using the ros2 topic list command. Lets open a new terminal and check we can see it.

  • Start a new container terminal session - from the Raspberry Pi terminal, type:
docker exec -it docker-full_ros2_1 bash
  • Ros2 topic list - from the docker-desktop_ros2_1 container, type:
ros2 topic list

There should be three topics listed:


If the /scan topic is visible, this means the LiDAR is successfully sending data to the Ros topic named /scan.

Start RViz2

Lets start RViz2.

  • Start RViz2 - from the docker-desktop_ros2_1 container, type:

We will configure RViz in the next section.

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