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72% Percent Complete
By Kevin McAleer, 3 Minutes
Now that you’ve learned the basics of controlling servos with Python, let’s apply these skills to create a series of basic yet fundamental movements for your robot arm. This lesson will guide you through programming your robot arm to perform tasks such as reaching out, grasping an object, and retracting.
Before coding, it’s essential to plan the sequences of movements your robot arm will perform. Consider the following steps for a simple task like picking up an object:
Let’s start by programming our robot arm to reach out. We’ll need to adjust the angles of the servos responsible for the arm’s extension.
def reach_out(): set_servo_position(base_channel, base_forward_position) set_servo_position(shoulder_channel, shoulder_down_position) set_servo_position(elbow_channel, elbow_straight_position) time.sleep(2) # Wait for the arm to fully extend
Programming the end effector to grasp an object involves closing the claw or hand by moving its controlling servo to the required position.
def grasp_object(): set_servo_position(claw_channel, claw_closed_position) time.sleep(1) # Allow time for the end effector to close
Finally, retract the arm by reversing the extension movements. Ensure the object is securely grasped before retracting.
def retract_arm(): set_servo_position(elbow_channel, elbow_bent_position) set_servo_position(shoulder_channel, shoulder_up_position) set_servo_position(base_channel, base_start_position) time.sleep(2) # Wait for the arm to fully retract
Combine the functions above into a sequence to perform the complete task.
def perform_task(): reach_out() grasp_object() retract_arm() # Place additional movements or tasks here perform_task()
Experiment with the servo positions and timings to refine your robot arm’s movements. Each robot arm will be unique due to differences in construction and servo characteristics, so adjustments are expected.
You’ve now programmed your robot arm to perform basic tasks, marking a significant milestone in your robotics journey. Continue to build upon these foundations by creating more complex sequences and exploring additional functionalities for your robot arm.
Create a sequence that involves moving an object from one location to another. Document the servo positions and timings used, and reflect on the challenges faced and how you overcame them.
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