KevsRobots Learning Platform

Building a Robot Arm with Raspberry Pi and PCA9685

56% Percent Complete

Getting Started with Raspberry Pi and Python

Understanding the PCA9685 Servo Driver

Building the Robot Arm

Programming the Robot Arm

Project Challenges and Ideas


Step-by-step instructions for constructing your robot arm based on the design you've created, including mounting servos and connecting components.

By Kevin McAleer,    3 Minutes

Assembling the Robot Arm

Introduction to Assembling Your Robot Arm

After designing your robot arm, it’s time to bring it to life by assembling the components. This lesson will guide you through the process of constructing the arm, ensuring each part is correctly mounted and connected for optimal performance.

Preparing Your Workspace

Before you start, ensure you have a clean, organized workspace with all the necessary tools and components at hand, including:

  • Your robot arm design and sketches
  • Servos and PCA9685 servo driver board
  • The materials for the arm’s structure (plastic, aluminum, etc.)
  • Screws, nuts, bolts, and other fasteners
  • Tools (screwdrivers, drills, soldering iron)

Step 1: Assembling the Base

The base is the foundation of your robot arm. It should be stable and strong enough to support the arm’s weight and movement.

  1. Construct the base according to your design, using your chosen materials.
  2. Securely mount the first servo (usually the one controlling the base rotation) to the base.

Step 2: Building the Arm Sections

Each section of the arm (such as the forearm, upper arm, etc.) will be built around a servo that controls its movement.

  1. Assemble the arm sections around their respective servos. Ensure that each servo is firmly attached to its section.
  2. Connect the sections together, making sure that the joints allow for the desired range of motion.

Step 3: Installing the End Effector

The end effector is the part of the arm that interacts with objects (like a hand, clamp, or tool).

  1. Choose an end effector based on the arm’s intended use.
  2. Attach the end effector to the last section of the arm.

Step 4: Wiring and Electronics

Carefully wire the servos to the PCA9685 servo driver board, following the instructions from previous lessons.

  1. Run wires from each servo to the PCA9685 board, keeping the wiring neat and organized to avoid interference with the arm’s movement.
  2. Connect the PCA9685 to the Raspberry Pi as previously outlined.

Step 5: Testing

Before using the arm, perform initial tests to ensure each servo responds correctly.

  1. Write a simple Python script to test each servo’s range of motion.
  2. Adjust the positioning and range as necessary to ensure smooth operation.


Congratulations! You’ve assembled your robot arm. This process requires patience and precision, but the reward is a functional robotic arm you’ve built from scratch. In the next lesson, we’ll dive into programming your robot arm to perform specific tasks and movements.

Lesson Assignment

Test your robot arm’s movement using the Python script. Note any issues with the range of motion or stability and make adjustments as needed. Share your progress and any challenges you’ve encountered for feedback.

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