Where to get MicroPython

MicroPython can be installed on many 32bit microcontrollers

By Kevin McAleer,    1 Minute

Cover photo of a geometric pattern

MicroPython is actively developed and maintainted by a small group of developers. Visit https://www.micropython.org for the latest version, documentation and tutorials.

On the MicroPython website, there is a link to Downloads. There is a build of MicroPython for almost all types of MicroController - as long as the MicroController is capable of running MicroPython, which requires a 32bit processor. You’ll see a small thumbnail picture of each board along with the name of the board, click on the image of the board you have and then click on the latest release. As of the writing of this tutorial, v1.19.1 (2022-06-18).uf2 is the latest version.

This will download the firmware onto your computer in your downloads folder.

screenshot of the downloads page on micropython.org

A screenshot of the downloads page on micropython.org

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