Wiring the Components

Guide to wiring the stepper motors, servo, and Raspberry Pi.

By Kevin McAleer,    2 Minutes

Page last updated August 02, 2024



Follow these steps to wire the components:

Item Action
Connect the Stepper Motors: Connect the 28BYJ-48 stepper motors to the ULN2003 driver boards. Connect the IN1, IN2, IN3, and IN4 pins on the driver boards to GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi.

Connect the Servo Motor: Connect the servo motor to a PWM-capable GPIO pin on the Raspberry Pi. Connect the power and ground wires of the servo to the Raspberry Pi.

Power the Raspberry Pi: Ensure your Raspberry Pi has a stable power supply.

Pin Connections

Here are the pin connections for the components:

Component Raspberry Pi Pin
Left Stepper, IN1 GPIO 14
Left Stepper, IN2 GPIO 15
Left Stepper, IN3 GPIO 18
Left Stepper, IN4 GPIO 23
Right Stepper, IN1 GPIO 24
Right Stepper, IN2 GPIO 25
Right Stepper, IN3 GPIO 08
Right Stepper, IN4 GPIO 07
Servo Signal GPIO 01

With the wiring done, we can now proceed to setting up the Raspberry Pi.

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