Operation Pico
Raspberry Pi Home Hub
Hacky Temperature and Humidity Sensor
Robot Makers Almanac
High Five Bot
Making a Custom PCB for BurgerBot
Using the Raspberry Pi Pico's Built-in Temperature Sensor
Getting Started with SQL
Introduction to the Linux Command Line on Raspberry Pi OS
How to install MicroPython
Wall Drawing Robot Tutorial
BrachioGraph Tutorial
3D Printers are magical making machines that can print perfectly presentable projects. Say that 2 times fast.
Build a Raspberry Pi Pico 2 powered bluetooth remote control for your robot
Build a tiny robot arm and learn how to control it with a Raspberry Pi and Python.
DIY Raspberry Pi Theremin Midi Project: Making Music with Python and Raspberry Pi
Build a motion controlled robotic arm using a Raspberry Pi and a camera.
Raspberry Pi Pico powered Toothbrush
A cute robot that can show you the temperature
A Raspberry Pi Pico W Powered SMARS Robot
Introducing the Ultimate Wearable: The Pip-Boy Raspberry Pi Wrist Computer
Upgrades and redesign
Learn how to make a GhostBox
With Camera & HyperPixel support
Learn Servo easing in MicroPython with Pancake-Bot
Big Personality, Tiny Robot
RGB LED & servo powered Cyberglasses
For RPI Camera v3
A ROS Robot
Who you gonna call?
Cute Retro case
Fun with Cheerlights
Scan surroundings using Ultrasound
A fun Halloween Robot
Build your own Pomodoro Desk bot
Build your own Robot Arm
BurgerBot gets an upgrade
a Homage to the original WWW server
A simple 3D Printable Robot
3D Print your own Stevenson Screen for the Pimoroni Enviro Indoor sensor
Cute stands for Raspberry Pis
Print your own
Cute stand for Raspberry Pi Zeros