Part 4 - Weather Skill Lets build our next skill - get the weather forecast for our location Overview In this part we will create a useful Weather Skill - to get the forecast for the next 5 days as well as todays weather. We’ll use a cloud based weather service (no pun intended, well…). Table of Contents Overview Table of Contents Video on YouTube Session Goals Build a Weather skill OpenWeather Map PyOWM Latitude and Longitude Our Weather Class Code Video on YouTube I created a popular video series on YouTube, which goes over each of the steps below. The fourth part is featured below. Session Goals Build a Weather Skill OpenWeatherMap PyOWM Library Python Code Build a Weather skill Get weather forecast for next 5 days Get todays weather Look at the types of data we can pull from Open Weather Map Speak the forecast on command OpenWeather Map Where we get our weather data from OpenWeather Create a free account on OpenWeather Create an API key (we’ll need this to access the weather data in our code) PyOWM Python OpenWeatherMap Library PyOWM makes it easy to get a weather forecast Use ‘one_call’ with lat and long and it will return a weather object containing lots of data we can use def weather(self): """ Returns the current weather at this location """ forecast = self.mgr.one_call(, lon=self.long) return forecast Latitude and Longitude Where’s you at? OpenWeatherMap takes a Lat and Long position We can get this using GeoPy - a Python Geographic Utility Library Geopy can take a place name and country and provide the lat and long of this location We can then use the Lat and Long to get the weather forecast Our Weather Class What we’re aiming for AI will say: Here is today’s weather: Today will be mostly , with a temperature of , humidity of , and a pressure of millibars. Sunrise was at , and sunset is at . The Ultaviolet level is Code