Lesson 07 - Line Following

Learn how to use the line follow module

By Kevin McAleer,    3 Minutes

LiveStream video

What you’ll learn

In this lesson you will learn how to use the line follow module to make the robot follow along a line, or stay within a marked area.

Downloadable Track PDFs

Download the PDFs here:

Things’s you’ll needs


  1. Connect the SMARS to the USB cable, and the USB Cable to your computer
  2. Launch the Arduino IDE on your computer
  3. Create a new Sketch, by clicking the New Sketch button

Lets code

You can download the code below from GitHub, but its better to type it in yourself line by line, as you will get to understand what each line means.

 * Kevin McAleer
 * 24 July 2020 
 * Line Following Code
 * See Lesson 07 for the full tutorial
 * https://www.smarsfan.com/play/lessons/lesson_07_linefollow
 * Watch the livestream video:
 * https://youtu.be/u9VT32q7ero 

// set the line sensor thresholds
int light_threshold = 650;
int dark_threshold = 300;
int lineNumber; // stores the line sensor value
int lineSensorPin = 4;

// set Motor A to Arduino Pins
int motor_A = 12; // official Arduino Motor Shield uses D12
int motor_B = 13; // official Arduino Motor Shield uses D13
int buzzer = 4;

// set the Motor Speed using the Arduino Pins
int motor_A_speed = 10; // official Arduino Motor Shield uses D3
int motor_B_speed = 11; // official Arduino Motor Shield uses D11

// set the time between motor on and motor off
int wait_in_milliseconds = 10;

 * Movement block of code, from the movement lessons
 * https://www.smarsfan.com/play/lessons/lesson_01_movement
 * https://www.smarsfan.com/play/lessons/lesson_02_turning

// move forward
void forward() {

  // set the direction to forward
  digitalWrite(motor_A, LOW);  
  digitalWrite(motor_B, HIGH);

  // set to full speed
  analogWrite(motor_A_speed, 255);
  analogWrite(motor_B_speed, 255);

  // wait

  // stop
  analogWrite(motor_A_speed, 0);
  analogWrite(motor_B_speed, 0);

void backward(){
  // set the direction to forward
  digitalWrite(motor_A, HIGH);  
  digitalWrite(motor_B, LOW);

  // set to full speed
  analogWrite(motor_A_speed, 255);
  analogWrite(motor_B_speed, 255);

  // wait

  // stop
  analogWrite(motor_A_speed, 0);
  analogWrite(motor_B_speed, 0);

void turnRight(){
  // set the direction to forward
  digitalWrite(motor_A, HIGH);  
  digitalWrite(motor_B, HIGH);

  // set to full speed
  analogWrite(motor_A_speed, 255);
  analogWrite(motor_B_speed, 255);

  // wait

  // stop
  analogWrite(motor_A_speed, 0);
  analogWrite(motor_B_speed, 0);

void turnLeft(){
  // set the direction to forward
  digitalWrite(motor_A, LOW);  
  digitalWrite(motor_B, LOW);

  // set to full speed
  analogWrite(motor_A_speed, 255);
  analogWrite(motor_B_speed, 255);

  // wait

  // stop
  analogWrite(motor_A_speed, 0);
  analogWrite(motor_B_speed, 0);


int readLineSensor() {
  return analogRead(lineSensorPin);

void setup() {
  // set the Serial to 9600 baud and open it for comms

  // set the Arduino pin to OUTPUT mode
  pinMode(motor_A, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motor_B, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  // Read the value from the line sensor (connected to the line sensor pin)
  lineNumber = readLineSensor();

  // move forward while the line sensor is white
  while(lineNumber > light_threshold)
       Serial.println("move forward"); 
    // move forward
    lineNumber = readLineSensor();
  if(lineNumber < light_threshold){
  else {

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