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Using Redis with Python

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Redis Sorted Sets

Learn about Redis sorted sets and how to use them with Python.

By Kevin McAleer,    4 Minutes


In this lesson, we will cover Redis sorted sets and how to use them with Python. Redis sorted sets are a data type that can be used to store a collection of unique elements with an associated score. We will cover how to add, retrieve, and manipulate sorted set elements in Redis, and how to use sorted sets in Python.

Lesson Content

In this lesson, we will cover:

Redis Sorted Sets

Redis sorted sets are a data type that can be used to store a collection of unique elements with an associated score. Sorted sets in Redis are implemented as a combination of a hash table and a skip list, which means that adding, removing, and retrieving sorted set elements is very fast.

Adding and Retrieving Sorted Set Elements

To add an element with an associated score to a sorted set in Redis, you can use the zadd command. To retrieve the score of an element in a sorted set, you can use the zscore command. Here are some examples of adding and retrieving elements from a Redis sorted set:

zadd myset 1 "element1"
(integer) 1
zadd myset 2 "element2"
(integer) 1
zscore myset "element1"

Manipulating Sorted Set Elements

In addition to adding and retrieving sorted set elements, Redis provides several commands for manipulating sorted set elements. Here are some examples of manipulating sorted set elements in Redis:

  • zrem: Remove an element from a sorted set
  • zrange: Get a range of elements from a sorted set by score
  • zrevrange: Get a range of elements from a sorted set by score in reverse order
  • zcard: Get the number of elements in a sorted set

Using Redis Sorted Sets with Python

To use Redis sorted sets in Python, you can use the sortedset methods of the Redis Python library. Here’s an example of how to use Redis sorted sets in Python:

import redis

redis_client = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379)

# Add elements with associated scores to a sorted set
redis_client.zadd('myset', {'element1': 1, 'element2': 2})

# Get the score of an element in a sorted set
score = redis_client.zscore('myset', 'element1')

# Remove an element from a sorted set
redis_client.zrem('myset', 'element2')

# Get a range of elements from a sorted set by score
elements = redis_client.zrange('myset', 0, 1)

# Get a range of elements from a sorted set by score in reverse order
elements_rev = redis_client.zrevrange('myset', 0, 1)

# Get the number of elements in a sorted set
count = redis_client.zcard('myset')

In this example, we use the Redis Python library to add elements with associated scores to a sorted set using the zadd method, retrieve the score of an element in a sorted set using the zscore method, remove an element from a sorted set using the zrem method, get a range of elements from a sorted set by score using the zrange method, get a range of elements from a sorted set by score in reverse order using the zrevrange method, and get the number of elements in a sorted set using the zcard method.

Key Takeaways

After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Describe Redis sorted sets and their implementation in Redis
  • Add and retrieve elements with associated scores in Redis sorted sets
  • Manipulate elements in Redis sorted sets
  • Use Redis sorted sets in Python


In this lesson, we covered Redis sorted sets and how to use them with Python. We described Redis sorted sets and their implementation in Redis, and demonstrated how to add, retrieve, and manipulate elements with associated scores in Redis sorted sets, and how to use Redis sorted sets in Python using the Redis Python library. In the next lesson, we will cover Redis pub/sub.

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