Getting Started with Python and SQLite3

We will cover the initial steps to set up Python and SQLite3, establish a connection to a database, and perform basic operations using Python's sqlite3 module

By Kevin McAleer,    4 Minutes

In Module 2, we will cover the initial steps to set up Python and SQLite3, establish a connection to a database, and perform basic operations using Python’s sqlite3 module.

Setting up Python and SQLite3

Before we start working with SQLite databases in Python, we need to ensure that Python and the sqlite3 module are installed on our system.

Installing Python

If Python is not already installed, you can download and install it from the official Python website ( Choose the appropriate version for your operating system and follow the installation instructions.

SQLite3 and the sqlite3 Module

Python’s sqlite3 module comes pre-installed with Python, so you don’t need to install any additional packages.

Connecting to a Database

To work with a SQLite database in Python, we first need to establish a connection to the database. The sqlite3 module provides the necessary functions and methods to connect to a database file.

Creating a Connection

In Python, we use the sqlite3.connect() function to establish a connection to a SQLite database. We pass the path to the database file as an argument.

import sqlite3

# Connect to a database
connection = sqlite3.connect('mydatabase.db')

This code creates a connection to a database file named mydatabase.db. If the file doesn’t exist, SQLite will create a new database file at that location.

Closing the Connection

After we finish working with the database, it’s important to close the connection to release system resources. We can do this by calling the close() method on the connection object.


By closing the connection, we ensure that any changes made to the database are properly saved.

Executing SQL Statements

Once we establish a connection to the database, we can execute SQL statements using the connection object.

Creating Tables

To create a table in a SQLite database, we use the execute() method and provide a SQL CREATE TABLE statement as a string.

# Create a table
    CREATE TABLE books (
        title TEXT,
        author TEXT,
        year INTEGER

In this example, we create a table named books with columns for id, title, author, and year. The id column is defined as the primary key.

Inserting Data

To insert data into a table, we use the execute() method with an SQL INSERT statement.

# Insert data into the table
connection.execute("INSERT INTO books (title, author, year) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", ("The Great Gatsby", "F. Scott Fitzgerald", 1925))

In this example, we insert a record into the books table, providing values for the title, author, and year columns.

Querying Data

To retrieve data from a table, we use the execute() method with an SQL SELECT statement. We then fetch the results using the fetchall() method.

# Query data from the table
result = connection.execute("SELECT * FROM books")
data = result.fetchall()

# Process the retrieved data
for row in data:

This code retrieves all records from the books table and prints each row of data.

Handling Exceptions

When working with databases, it’s essential to handle potential errors and exceptions gracefully. Python’s try and except statements can be used to catch and handle exceptions raised during database operations.

    # Database operations
    # ...
except sqlite3.Error as e:
    # Handle the exception
    print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

By incorporating exception handling, we can provide informative error messages and take appropriate actions in case of any issues.

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