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Using Redis with Python

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Redis Lists

Learn about Redis lists and how to use them with Python.

By Kevin McAleer,    4 Minutes


In this lesson, we will cover Redis lists and how to use them with Python. Redis lists are a data type that can be used to store an ordered collection of strings. We will cover how to add, retrieve, and manipulate list elements in Redis, and how to use lists in Python.

Lesson Content

In this lesson, we will cover:

Redis Lists

Redis lists are a data type that can be used to store an ordered collection of strings. Lists in Redis are implemented as linked lists, which means that adding or removing elements from the beginning or end of a list is very fast, but accessing elements in the middle of a list can be slow.

Adding and Retrieving List Elements

To add an element to the end of a list in Redis, you can use the rpush command. To add an element to the beginning of a list, you can use the lpush command. Here are some examples of adding elements to a Redis list:

rpush mylist "element1"
(integer) 1
rpush mylist "element2"
(integer) 2
lpush mylist "element0"
(integer) 3

To retrieve elements from a list, you can use the lrange command. The lrange command returns a range of elements from the list, starting at the specified index and ending at the specified index. Here’s an example of retrieving elements from a Redis list:

lrange mylist 0 -1


Manipulating List Elements

In addition to adding and retrieving list elements, Redis provides several commands for manipulating list elements. Here are some examples of manipulating list elements in Redis:

  • lpop: Remove and return the first element of a list
  • rpop: Remove and return the last element of a list
  • ltrim: Trim a list to the specified range of elements

Using Redis Lists with Python

To use Redis lists in Python, you can use the list methods of the Redis Python library. Here’s an example of how to use Redis lists in Python:

import redis

redis_client = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379)

# Add elements to the end of a list
redis_client.rpush('mylist', 'element1', 'element2')

# Add elements to the beginning of a list
redis_client.lpush('mylist', 'element0')

# Get a range of elements from a list
elements = redis_client.lrange('mylist', 0, -1)

# Remove and return the first element of a list
first_element = redis_client.lpop('mylist')

# Remove and return the last element of a list
last_element = redis_client.rpop('mylist')

In this example, we use the Redis Python library to add elements to a list using the rpush and lpush methods, retrieve a range of elements from the list using the lrange method, and remove and return elements from the list using the lpop and rpop methods.

Key Takeaways

After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Describe Redis lists and their implementation in Redis
  • Add and retrieve elements from Redis lists
  • Manipulate elements in Redis lists
  • Use Redis lists in Python


In this lesson, we covered Redis lists and how to use them with Python. We described Redis lists and their implementation in Redis, and demonstrated how to add, retrieve, and manipulate list elements in Redis, and how to use Redis lists in Python using the Redis Python library. In the next lesson, we will cover Redis sets.

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