Cover image for Self Watering Plants


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Bill of Materials

Items Description Qty Price
Enviro Grow Pimoroni Enviro Grow 1 £39.99
Accessory Kit Pimoroni Enviro Grow kit accessory kit 1 49.50
Grow Hat Mini Pimoroni Grow Hat Mini for Raspberry Pi 1 £27.50
M2 Screws M2 Screws 4 £2.00

3d design

I’ve designed some cute Geometric plant pots with integrated drainage holes, feed-tube input an sensor holder.

This is the second interation of the design, the first version caused the self watering system to mis-read the sensors as the sensor was not deep enough into the soil to take a proper reading, and instead kept watering the plant until the water supply ran out.

Plant Pot Enviro Grow Holder

The Grow Hat Mini is mounted on top of a Raspberry Pi Zero W, which is intern mounted on a Pi Stand.


The Grow Hat Mini, or Enviro grow connects to the 3 soil moisture sensors, and also to the three water pumps, and each water pump connects to a plant pot (ensure that the sensor and pump are connected to the same plant - A, B & C).

Download the STL files and print today

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