SQL Functions and Expressions

Learn to use SQL functions and expressions to manipulate and analyze data in queries

By Kevin McAleer,    6 Minutes

In this lesson, we’ll explore SQL functions and expressions that enhance your ability to manipulate, analyze, and transform data. SQL provides a variety of functions, including string, numeric, date, and aggregate functions, that make it easier to handle different types of data efficiently.

1. What are SQL Functions?

SQL functions are built-in commands that perform specific operations on data and return a single result. Functions can be applied to columns in your database to manipulate or calculate values directly within your queries.

Types of SQL Functions

  • Aggregate Functions: SUM, COUNT, AVG, MIN, MAX
  • String Functions: CONCAT, LENGTH, UPPER, LOWER
  • Numeric Functions: ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR
  • Date Functions: NOW, DATE, YEAR, MONTH, DAY

2. Aggregate Functions

Aggregate functions operate on a set of values and return a single result. They are commonly used in conjunction with the GROUP BY clause.

Common Aggregate Functions

Function Description Example
COUNT Counts the number of rows SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users;
SUM Calculates the sum of a numeric column SELECT SUM(salary) FROM employees;
AVG Calculates the average value SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees;
MIN Returns the minimum value SELECT MIN(salary) FROM employees;
MAX Returns the maximum value SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employees;
  • Example: Find the total salary and average salary of employees.

      SELECT SUM(salary) AS total_salary, AVG(salary) AS average_salary
      FROM employees;

3. String Functions

String functions allow you to manipulate text data. These functions are useful for formatting, concatenating, and altering strings.

Common String Functions

Function Description Example
CONCAT Concatenates two or more strings SELECT CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name) FROM users;
LENGTH Returns the length of a string SELECT LENGTH(name) FROM users;
UPPER Converts text to uppercase SELECT UPPER(name) FROM users;
LOWER Converts text to lowercase SELECT LOWER(name) FROM users;
SUBSTRING Extracts a substring from a string SELECT SUBSTRING(name, 1, 3) FROM users;
  • Example: Retrieve employee names in uppercase and show the length of each name.

      SELECT UPPER(name) AS upper_name, LENGTH(name) AS name_length
      FROM employees;

4. Numeric Functions

Numeric functions are used to perform mathematical operations on numeric data.

Common Numeric Functions

Function Description Example
ROUND Rounds a number to a specified number of decimals SELECT ROUND(salary, 2) FROM employees;
CEIL Rounds a number up to the nearest integer SELECT CEIL(salary) FROM employees;
FLOOR Rounds a number down to the nearest integer SELECT FLOOR(salary) FROM employees;
ABS Returns the absolute value of a number SELECT ABS(salary - 50000) FROM employees;
  • Example: Round each employee’s salary to the nearest hundred.

      SELECT name, ROUND(salary, -2) AS rounded_salary
      FROM employees;

5. Date Functions

Date functions allow you to manipulate and extract information from date and time data.

Common Date Functions

Function Description Example
NOW Returns the current date and time SELECT NOW();
CURDATE Returns the current date SELECT CURDATE();
YEAR Extracts the year from a date SELECT YEAR(birth_date) FROM users;
MONTH Extracts the month from a date SELECT MONTH(birth_date) FROM users;
DAY Extracts the day from a date SELECT DAY(birth_date) FROM users;
DATEDIFF Returns the difference in days between two dates SELECT DATEDIFF(NOW(), hire_date) FROM employees;
  • Example: Find the number of days each employee has been with the company, based on their hire date.

      SELECT name, DATEDIFF(NOW(), hire_date) AS days_with_company
      FROM employees;

6. Using Expressions for Calculations

Expressions in SQL allow you to perform calculations or manipulate data directly in queries.

Example: Calculating a 10% Bonus

  • Example: Calculate a 10% bonus for each employee based on their current salary.

      SELECT name, salary, salary * 0.10 AS bonus
      FROM employees;

Example: Combining Columns with CONCAT

  • Example: Combine first_name and last_name into a single full_name column.

      SELECT CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name) AS full_name
      FROM employees;

Example: Date Arithmetic

  • Example: Calculate each employee’s next anniversary by adding one year to their hire_date.

      SELECT name, hire_date, DATE_ADD(hire_date, INTERVAL 1 YEAR) AS next_anniversary
      FROM employees;

Practice Exercise: Using SQL Functions and Expressions

  1. Calculate Total and Average Salary: Find the total and average salary of all employees.

     SELECT SUM(salary) AS total_salary, AVG(salary) AS average_salary
     FROM employees;
  2. String Manipulation: Retrieve the first three letters of each employee’s name and display it in uppercase.

     SELECT UPPER(SUBSTRING(name, 1, 3)) AS name_prefix
     FROM employees;
  3. Round Salaries: Display each employee’s salary rounded to the nearest thousand.

     SELECT name, ROUND(salary, -3) AS rounded_salary
     FROM employees;
  4. Date Difference: Calculate the number of days each employee has worked at the company based on their hire date.

     SELECT name, DATEDIFF(NOW(), hire_date) AS days_with_company
     FROM employees;
  5. Calculate Bonuses: Calculate a 5% bonus for each employee based on their salary.

     SELECT name, salary, salary * 0.05 AS bonus
     FROM employees;

Summary of SQL Functions and Expressions

Here’s a summary of the SQL functions and expressions covered in this lesson:

Function Category Common Functions Purpose
Aggregate COUNT, SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX Operate on sets of values to return a single result
String CONCAT, LENGTH, UPPER, LOWER, SUBSTRING Manipulate text data in queries
Numeric ROUND, CEIL, FLOOR, ABS Perform mathematical operations on numeric data
Date NOW, CURDATE, YEAR, MONTH, DATEDIFF Work with date and time data in queries
Expressions Basic arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /) Perform calculations directly in queries

With these SQL functions and expressions, you can perform a wide range of data manipulations directly within your queries. In the next lesson, we’ll wrap up the course with a final project to apply everything you’ve learned.

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