Data Insertion, Modification, and Deletion

How to perform CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) in SQL

By Kevin McAleer,    5 Minutes

In this lesson, we’ll explore how to insert, modify, and delete data in SQL tables. These operations are commonly referred to as CRUD operations: Create, Read, Update, and Delete.

1. Inserting Data with INSERT INTO

The INSERT INTO statement allows you to add new records (rows) to a table. It specifies the table to insert data into, as well as the values for each column.

Basic INSERT Syntax

INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, ...)
VALUES (value1, value2, ...);
  • Example: Adding a new user to the users table.

      INSERT INTO users (name, age, email)
      VALUES ('Alice', 30, '[email protected]');
  • Example: Adding multiple users at once.

      INSERT INTO users (name, age, email)
      VALUES ('Bob', 25, '[email protected]'),
             ('Charlie', 28, '[email protected]');

Inserting Data without Specifying All Columns

If some columns have default values, you can omit them in the INSERT statement.

  • Example: Inserting only name and email, letting age default to NULL or a specified default value.

      INSERT INTO users (name, email)
      VALUES ('David', '[email protected]');

2. Reading Data with SELECT

To verify your data, you can use the SELECT statement to retrieve rows from a table.

  • Example: View all users in the users table.

      SELECT * FROM users;

This command retrieves every column for each row in the table.

3. Modifying Data with UPDATE

The UPDATE statement is used to modify existing data in a table. It specifies the table, the columns to change, and conditions to filter the rows to update.

Basic UPDATE Syntax

UPDATE table_name
SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, ...
WHERE condition;

Note: It’s essential to use the WHERE clause to target specific rows. Omitting it will update every row in the table.

Example: Updating a User’s Age

  • Example: Change the age of the user with id 1 to 35.

      UPDATE users
      SET age = 35
      WHERE id = 1;

Example: Updating Multiple Columns

  • Example: Change both the age and email of a specific user.

      UPDATE users
      SET age = 32, email = '[email protected]'
      WHERE name = 'Alice';

4. Deleting Data with DELETE

The DELETE statement is used to remove rows from a table. Similar to UPDATE, it’s critical to include a WHERE clause to specify which rows to delete.

Basic DELETE Syntax

DELETE FROM table_name
WHERE condition;

Warning: Omitting the WHERE clause deletes all rows in the table.

Example: Deleting a Specific User

Example: Deleting All Rows in a Table

  • Example: Remove all data from the users table (use with caution).

      DELETE FROM users;

This command empties the table but retains its structure, so you can still insert new data later.

5. Using Transactions for Data Integrity

When performing multiple INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements, it’s often beneficial to use transactions. A transaction groups multiple changes, which are only saved if all operations are successful.

Starting and Committing a Transaction

  1. Start a Transaction:
  2. Execute Multiple Statements:
     INSERT INTO users (name, age, email) VALUES ('Eve', 29, '[email protected]');
     UPDATE users SET age = 30 WHERE name = 'Eve';
  3. Commit the Transaction:

If any part of the transaction fails, you can use ROLLBACK to undo all changes:


Transactions help ensure data integrity, especially in cases where multiple related changes must either all succeed or fail together.

Practice Exercise: Performing CRUD Operations

  1. Insert three new records into the users table with the following data:

    INSERT INTO users (name, age, email)
    VALUES ('John', 40, '[email protected]'),
           ('Diana', 35, '[email protected]'),
           ('Sophia', 22, '[email protected]');
  2. Update John’s age to 41.

    UPDATE users
    SET age = 41
    WHERE name = 'John';
  3. Delete the user “Sophia”.

    DELETE FROM users
    WHERE name = 'Sophia';
  4. Verify each step by using SELECT * FROM users; to check your results.

Summary of CRUD Commands

Here’s a recap of the CRUD commands and their usage:

Command Description Example
INSERT Adds new data into a table INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES ('Alice');
SELECT Retrieves data from a table SELECT * FROM users;
UPDATE Modifies existing data in a table UPDATE users SET age = 35 WHERE id = 1;
DELETE Removes data from a table DELETE FROM users WHERE name = 'Bob';

With these CRUD operations, you now have the foundational skills to manage data within your SQL database. In the next lesson, we’ll dive deeper into querying data and using SELECT statements with filters.

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