KevsRobots Learning Platform

Build your own BurgerBot

42% Percent Complete

Getting the code

Learn how to use the BurgerBot MicroPython library to control the robotic vehicle.

By Kevin McAleer,    2 Minutes

BurgerBot MicroPython library

BurgerBot has a nice Python Library that controls the robotic vehicle, which includes motors and sensors, such as a distance sensor, line sensor and a servo for the pen.

Table of Contents

Required Libraries

This library uses the Pimoroni flavoured MicroPython.

The following libraries are required for the BurgerBot to function properly (and they are all inlcuded in the Pimoroni MicroPython):

  • motor and pico_motor_shim from the motor module.
  • REVERSED_DIR from the pimoroni module.
  • Servo from the servo module.
  • connect_to_wifi, logging, access_point, dns, server, and redirect from the phew module.
  • gc and Pin from the machine module.

Class and Methods

The BurgerBot class contains the following methods:

Method Description
__init__() Initializes the BurgerBot class with a list of motors, MOTOR_PINS, and sets the __speed variable to 0.
line_detected() -> bool Returns a boolean value indicating whether a line has been detected by the line sensor.
pen_middle() Moves the pen servo to the middle position.
pen_down() Moves the pen servo to the down position.
pen_up() Moves the pen servo to the up position.
forward(duration) Drives the motors forward, the ‘duration’ is optional and moves for the time specified
turnleft(duration) Turns the motors left, the ‘duration’ is optional and moves for the time specified
turnright(duration) Turns the motors right, the ‘duration’ is optional and moves for the time specified
stop() Stops the motors.
left_motor(speed) Sets the speed of the left motor to the provided value.
right_motor(speed) Sets the speed of the right motor to the provided value.
speed() -> float Returns the current speed of the motors.
speed(value) Sets the speed of the motors to the provided value.


The BurgerBot also contains the following variables:

  • motors: a list of two Motor objects representing the left and right motors.
  • pen_servo: a Servo object representing the pen servo.
  • line_sensor: a Pin object representing the line sensor pin.

Example demo

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