Part 2 - Todo Lists! Lets build our second skill, this time something more useful - todo lists Overview In this part we will create our first proper, useful skill. This skill will allow us to: create a todo list that we can add items to ask our AI to tell us whats on our list remove items from the list Table of Contents Overview Table of Contents Video on YouTube Todo lists Example Conversational flow Code Video on YouTube I created a popular video series on YouTube, which goes over each of the steps below. The second video part is featured below. Todo lists Lets break down the task of creating our new skill into the following parts. This process is call decomposition, because we are de-composing the parts that make up the code: Create an Todo-item class - to model a single todo item Create a Todo-class - to model a list of todo items Add items List items Remove items Iterate items - make the list iterable using generators Add a metaclass: Len - to return number of items in the list Example Conversational flow It helps to start with the end in mind, below is what we want a typical conversation to look like: Code Grab a copy of version 2 of our code here: Our skill is made up of the following classes: Status - this is used to define a number of states our item can be in Priority - this is used to define a number of priorities our item can have Item - represents a todo item Todo - contains a list of our todo items, and has the functions for adding, removing and retrieving items from datetime import date from enum import Enum from uuid import uuid4 class Status(Enum): """ The Todo Statuses """ NOT_STARTED = 0 IN_PROGRESS = 1 COMPLETED = 2 class Priority(Enum): LOW = 0 MEDIUM = 1 HIGH = 2 class Item(): __creation_date = __title = "empty" __status = Status.NOT_STARTED __priority = Priority.LOW __flag = False __url = "" __due_date = date __icon = "" __state = False __notes = "" def __init__(self, title:str=None): if title is not None: self.__title = title self.__id = str(uuid4()) @property def title(self): return self.__title @title.setter def title(self, value:str): self.__title = value @property def priority(self): return @priority.setter def priority(self, value:Priority): self.__priority = value @property def creation_date(self): return self.__creation_date @creation_date.setter def creation_date(self, value): self.__creation_date = value @property def age(self): return self.__creation_date - @property def status(self): return @status.setter def status(self, value:Status): self.__status = value @property def id(self): return self.__id @property def flag(self): return self.__flag @flag.setter def flag(self, value:bool): self.__flag = value @property def url(self): return self.__url @url.setter def url(self, value:str): self.__url = value @property def due_date(self): return self.__due_date @due_date.setter def due_date(self, value:date): self.__due_date = value @property def icon(self): return self.__icon @icon.setter def icon(self, value:str): self.__icon = value @property def state(self): return self.__state @state.setter def state(self, value:bool): self.__state = value @property def notes(self): return self.__notes @notes.setter def notes(self, value:str): self.__value = value class Todo(): __todos = [] def __init__(self): print("new todo list created") self._current = -1 def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): if self._current < len(self.__todos) -1 : self._current += 1 print(self.__todos[self._current].title) return self.__todos[self._current] else: self._current = -1 raise StopIteration def __len__(self): """ Returns the number of items in the Todo List """ return len(self.__todos) def new_item(self, item:Item): self.__todos.append(item) @property def items(self)->list: return self.__todos def show(self): print("*"*80) for item in self.__todos: print(item.title, item.status, item.priority, item.age) @classmethod def show(cls): print("*"*80) print("Todo Items") print('*'*80) count = 1 if len(cls.__todos) == 0: print("No items in list!") else: for item in cls.__todos: print(count, item.title, item.status, item.priority, item.age, count += 1 print("") def remove_item(self, uuid:str=None, title:str=None)->bool: if title is None and uuid is None: print("You need to provide some details for me to remote it, either UUID or title") if uuid is None and title: for item in self.__todos: if item.title == title: # del self.__todos[item self.__todos.remove(item) return True print("Item with title", title, 'not found') return False if uuid: self.__todos.remove(uuid) return True Lets update our to include the new skill and some commands for using it. import pyjokes from ai import AI from todo import Todo, Item alf = AI() todo = Todo() # item = Item(title="get shopping") # item2 = Item("potatoes") # todo.new_item(item) # todo.new_item(item2) def joke(): funny = pyjokes.get_joke() print(funny) alf.say(funny) def add_todo()->bool: item = Item() alf.say("Tell me what to add to the list") try: item.title = alf.listen() todo.new_item(item) message = "Added" + item.title alf.say(message) return True except: print("oops there was an error") return False def list_todos(): if len(todo) > 0: alf.say("Here are your to do's") for item in todo: alf.say(item.title) else: alf.say("The list is empty!") def remove_todo()->bool: alf.say("Tell me which item to remove") try: item_title = alf.listen() todo.remove_item(title=item_title) message = "Removed" + item_title alf.say(message) return True except: print("opps there was an error") return False command = "" while True and command != "goodbye": try: command = alf.listen() command = command.lower() except: print("oops there was an error") command = "" print("command was:", command) if command == "tell me a joke": joke() command = "" if command in ["add to-do","add to do", "add item"]: add_todo() command = "" if command in ["list todos", "list todo", "list to do", "list to-do", "list to do's",'list items']: list_todos() command = "" if command in ["remove todo", "remove item", "mark done", "remove todos", "remove to-do", "remove to do's"]: remove_todo() alf.say("Goodbye, I'm going to sleep now")