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By Kevin McAleer, 3 Minutes
With your Raspberry Pis prepared and running the cloned OS, the next step is to initialize Docker Swarm. Docker Swarm turns a group of Docker engines into a single, virtual Docker engine, where you can deploy and manage containers across multiple Raspberry Pi nodes seamlessly.
Docker Swarm is a container orchestration tool, part of Docker, that allows you to manage multiple Docker hosts as a single entity. It’s designed for ease of use and simplicity, making it an excellent choice for beginners and for use with Raspberry Pi clusters.
Run the Docker Swarm Init Command: Execute the following command:
docker swarm init --advertise-addr <MANAGER_IP>
Replace <MANAGER_IP> with the IP address of your manager Raspberry Pi. This IP should be static or reserved to prevent issues.
Note the Join Token: Upon successful initialization, Docker will output a token that worker nodes will use to join the Swarm. It looks something like this:
docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-<token_string> <MANAGER_IP>:2377
Keep this token secure; you’ll need it to add worker nodes to your Swarm.
Check the Swarm’s Status: On the manager node, run:
docker node ls
This command lists all nodes in the Swarm, showing their roles (manager or worker) and statuses.
Promoting Nodes: You can promote worker nodes to manager status for redundancy using:
docker node promote <NODE_NAME>
Demoting Nodes: Similarly, managers can be demoted to workers with:
docker node demote <NODE_NAME>
Initializing Docker Swarm on your Raspberry Pi cluster is a pivotal step in creating a unified computing platform. With Swarm, you can deploy containers across multiple Pis, manage workload distribution, and ensure your applications are highly available. In the upcoming lessons, we’ll explore how to add applications and services to your newly formed Docker Swarm cluster.
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