Part 1 - Creating the Assistant

Learn how to build your own Jarvis-like AI assistant, in Python


Welcome to the Build Your Own AI in Python series! In this project we’ll create our own artificially intelligent assistant, simliar to Siri, Alexa, Google home, or even Jarvis from the Marvel Ironman movies.

It makes sense to start at the beginning as each part builds on the previous lesson and each also contains vital skills and knowledge used in future lessons too.

Part 1 - Table of Contents

Video on YouTube

I created a popular video series on YouTube, which goes over each of the steps below. The first video, Creating the Assistant is featured below.

Session Goals

In this session we will learn:

Goals Diagram

Overview of this series

We’ll build our AI assistant one small part at a time, however at each step it will be able to do something useful. We’ll use Python; a programming language thats easy enough for beginners to understand, and powerful enough to create professional software.

How we will create an AI Assistant:

  • We will use a Raspberry Pi Computer to run the code - you can also use a Windows PC, Linux PC or macOS computer
  • We will create code to listen to commands
  • We will create code to say responses
  • We will create a Web User Interface, so we can check what its doing and access it from our mobile devices
  • We will add Skills, so that our AI will be able to connect to web services and APIs

How do AI Assistants Diagram

How do AI Assistants Work?

So how do AI Assistants actually work? Lets take a look at the logical flow…

How do AI Assistants Diagram

Logic Flow

An AI assistant is just a program, that follows a logical flow:

  • Listen for a wake word
  • If it hears the wake word, then listen for a known command
  • Execute the known command
  • Speak a response

How do AI Assistants Diagram

A overview sketch of out AI Assistant

I love to sketch out ideas on paper before programming. This helps me separate out ideas into separate chunks; I can then work on each chunk one bit at a time.

The Initial idea is:

  • The core AI code is a loop, listening to speech, or taking actions from the Web UI
  • We can add Skills as we go, such as:

    • Home Automation
    • Weather
    • News
    • Fun - Jokes

How do AI Assistants Diagram

AI Assistant Architecture

Our AI Assistant is made up of a number of parts, and we call the sum of parts, the architecture.


  • The Speech Engine
    • Speech Recognition
    • Speech Synthesis
  • The Orchestration Engine
  • The Web UI
  • The Skills
    • News
    • Insults
    • Jokes
    • Calendar
    • Weather
    • Home Automation

How do AI Assistants Diagram

Architecture, the four pillars

We will therefore need to create each of the four pillars, and as far as possible ensure they have low coupling and high cohesion.

Low coupling means each module/pillar should be self contained, other modules shouldn’t rely on specifics of how they work internally.

High Cohesion means that the code inside each module/pillar should work as effectively as possible, with each part doing only what it is supposed to do, and no more.

The four pillars are:

  • Speech Engine
  • Skills class
  • Web UI
  • Orchestration Engine

How do AI Assistants Diagram

Hardware and software toolkit

For this project we’ll need a couple of things, some hardware to run our AI Assistant on, and some software tools to build it.

How do AI Assistants Diagram


For hardware, you can run the Assistant on your own computer, Mac, Windows PC or Linux PC,

  • Raspberry Pi - the faster the better, recommend a Raspberry Pi 4
  • USB Microphone - to enable the Python to hear speech
  • A Speaker - need to be able to hear what is being said

How do AI Assistants Diagram


For software, we will be using the following software applications:

How do AI Assistants Diagram


We want to add new skills over time as we develop them; lets create a skills framework:

  • Skill have a name
  • Skills have one or more actions
  • Skills return a success or failure status
  • Skills can have a web UI

How do AI Assistants Diagram

Speech engine

For the Raspberry Pi, and other Linux systems you will need to ensure that both portaudio and espeak are installed:

Install the Pre-requisites

sudo apt-get install portaudio
sudo apt-get install espeak

Create the virtual environment:

Virtual Environments enable us to keep specific versions of Python libraries separate between projects. If that doesn’t mean a lot right now, don’t worry it will make sense later.

Type the commands below into your terminal session to create the venv virtual environment, and then activate the environment using the source command.

sudo python3 -m venv venv
source activate venv\bin\activate

To deactivate the environment we can use the deactivate command:


Install the packages

Once we’ve activated our virtual environment, we can install the libraries our project depends on.

Type these commmands:

pip install pyaudio
pip install speechrecognition
pip install pyttsx3


pip install -r requirements.txt

The code

The source code repository for this project is hosted at GitHub. Click this link: to download the latest version of the code.

Please note that as the series progresses, code is changes, so you will be working from the latest version of the code.

Initial Release of the code:

We’ll start by creating a piece of code that will contain the main parts of our AI, and then we’ll create a program that uses this code.

Grab a copy of version 1 of our code here:

  1. Import the python text to speech library pyttsx3 and then the speech recognition library speech_recognition
  2. We’ll then create the class which is like a template for reuseable code.
  3. The AI class will contain 5 functions:
    • __init__ - this will initialise the speech engine and speech recognition engine
    • name (property) - this returns the name of our AI
    • name (setter) - this sets the name of our AI
    • say - speaks any messages we pass to it
    • listen - listens to human speech and returns it as text
import pyttsx3
import speech_recognition as sr 

class AI():
    __name = ""
    __skill = []

    def __init__(self, name=None):
        self.engine = pyttsx3.init()
        self.r = sr.Recognizer()
        self.m = sr.Microphone()

        if name is not None:
            self.__name = name 

        with self.m as source:

    def name(self):
        return self.__name

    def name(self, value):
        sentence = "Hello, my name is" + self.__name
        self.__name = value

    def say(self, sentence):

    def listen(self):
        print("Say Something")
        with self.m as source:
            audio = self.r.listen(source)
        print("got it")
            phrase = self.r.recognize_google(audio, show_all=True, language="en_US")
            sentence = "Got it, you said" + phrase
        except e as error:
            print("Sorry, didn't catch that",e)
            self.engine.say("Sorry didn't catch that")
        print("You Said", phrase)
        return phrase

Now to build our first AI. It will have one skill - telling bad jokes. To enable us to tell jokes we can use the python pyjokes library

Add the pyjokes by typing the following from the terminal:

pip install pyjokes

Now type the program below.

  1. import pyjokes and also AI
  2. create our ai by typing alf = AI()
  3. create our joke skill function, that will say a random joke
  4. finally we’ll create a while loop that will listen for commands such as tell me a joke until we say goodbye
  5. try adding your own commands and responses
import pyjokes
from ai import AI

alf = AI()

def joke():
    funny = pyjokes.get_joke()

command = ""
while True and command != "goodbye":
    command = alf.listen()
    print("command was:", command)

    if command == "tell me a joke":
alf.say("Goodbye, I'm going to sleep now")

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