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BrachioGraph Tutorial
KevsRobots Learning Platform
12% Percent Complete
By Kevin McAleer, 2 Minutes
Page last updated July 30, 2024
A BrachioGraph (from the Greek Brachio; Arm, and Graph; draw) is a simple pen plotter that you can build at home using a few simple components. It’s a fun project that will help you create robots, and understand more about programming, and electronics. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to build a BrachioGraph from scratch and control it using Python.
A BrachioGraph is a type of robotic arm designed for drawing using a pen or pencil. It is made up of a couple of hobby servos and other household items such as popsicle sticks, hot glue, and a foamcore board. The BrachioGraph is controlled by a microcontroller such as an Arduino or Raspberry Pi, which sends commands to the servos to move the pen in the X and Y directions.
In this tutortial we will use a Raspberry Pi to drive the arm. The Raspberry Pi will run a Python script that sends commands to the servos to move the pen in the X and Y directions. The BrachioGraph can be used to draw simple shapes, write text, or even create intricate designs.
The BrachioGraph Python code is available at https://github.com/evildmp/brachiograph and we will walk you through the process of setting up the hardware and software to get your BrachioGraph up and running.
Let’s get building!
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